10 Advantages of using smartphone. Smartphone चलाने के 10 फाएदे । Gadgets Specs

 A smartphone in our hand can do massive, stunning things. It can create miracles if used properly.

1.)  Communication

In general, smartphones help us to communicate and send text messages. but it serves even more if used wisely. Smartphones for their efficient features which are capable of doing almost everything needed. It save our time. It enables to go beyond limits, share and enjoyment and several other recreation purposes too. Smartphones have revolutionized our lives in many ways which are just countless. besides, emailing someone, texting, face timing, and calling, It has also helped in navigation purposes, product reviews, online- shopping and various several 1000 fields of astonishing social media platform.Now these smartphones are the best way to stay connected to our friends and relatives in this COVID situation too. Children or teenagers are the most affected people who are facing a sense of depression because of no social interaction, so they acn use this for their communication purposes also.  

2.) Financial transactions

 for instance for the people who live faraway or are not having the access to bank can easily withdraw the required amount at anytime, anywhere. Also, online transaction is way more  easier and a safer option than anything else. The power  of this technology that it holds today is clearly evident in our habits and day-to-day happenings. Now, by the help of smartphones your transaction or payment just becomes way more easier, convenient, highly secured, customer' engagement ;etc.

3.) Education facilities

 Schools and students are attending their virtual classes online via Google Meet, Zoom call meeting.   Students are witnessing more facts which are properly explained and so good for enhancing your  knowledge. Smartphones can give your kids better education facilities as well as oppurtunities. You can change your plans in a quite flexible manner. Real-time communication with your kids is also possible. You can instruct your kids with the help of smartphones.  Smartphones just make it easier to organize family--life in a better manner. 

4.) Entertainment

 Entertainment is one of the main reason why smartphones are this popular nowadays. You can keeep yourself entertained and share your talents whether it is dancing, art, cooking, poetry. Just say anything you can share it all and just become popular. YOUTUBE , INSTAGRAM , TWITTER,FACEBOOK are basically the most used social networking sites which can be easily accessed by the help of smartphones anywhere and anytime.

5.) Emails and Texting

Smartphones also helps to access all your emails or any other accounts.

6.) Sync and Connect 

 In smartphones, there is an availability of option called as sync where in you can connect your apps and simply sync it in the cloud and access to all your information wherever you are. Using Google Drive, Microsoft One Drive, or Dropbox holds the most important information which you can store and access online wherever you go. You can update your document, spreadsheet very easily in ur smartphone too.

7.) Location and Navigation 

Smartphones are just the ideal devices to go for the navigation purpose via Google Maps. You can share your location or reach a particular easily. You can also connect your phone to the audio system in your car and blast a fresh new beat of your choice. 

8.) Online shopping 

It can also be done no matter wherever you are in this planet. And, also giving your reviews, complaning or appreciation the product is also possible via smartphones. You're free to rate the product according to your own choice.

9.) Small size

 Smartphones are convenient to carry. That's just the main point. It's so good to use and carry anywhere you go. You get a small screen but a huge virtual world inside whih you can access anywhere. Which makes it even more economical and an efficient device. 

10.) General Apps 

Things of general usage, i.e, Flashlight/Torch , Calculator, Calender, Productivity apps or even an Alarm clock everything is present in your smartphone. It really serves the best and is worth it!!
